Primordial Serpent - Kingdom of Darkness and Despair (Lim.133)
Beyond Melancholy - The Pleasure of Suicide...  (Lim.133)
Duelliste - Demo II   (Lim.133)
Funeral Fog - Waldeinsamkeit  (Lim. 133)
I'm In A Coffin - Waste Of Life
Marblebog - Ermitus  (Lim.133)
Mogul Dracul - The Tragic Life Of A Melancholic Vampire
Nocturnal Degrade - A.I.D.S.   (Lim.250)
Sapaudia - Requiemonument  (Lim. 133)
Sjaelekval - Dödsferd
Primordial Serpent - Kingdom of Darkness and Despair (Lim.133)
Beyond Melancholy - The Pleasure of Suicide...  (Lim.133)
Duelliste - Demo II   (Lim.133)
Funeral Fog - Waldeinsamkeit  (Lim. 133)
I'm In A Coffin - Waste Of Life
Marblebog - Ermitus  (Lim.133)
Mogul Dracul - The Tragic Life Of A Melancholic Vampire
Nocturnal Degrade - A.I.D.S.   (Lim.250)
Sapaudia - Requiemonument  (Lim. 133)
Sjaelekval - Dödsferd


KAECK – Het Zwarte Dictaat  (Digipack)
8.40 €
12.00 €
Kaevum - Kultur
11.00 €
KAILASH - Past Changing Fast
3.50 €
5.00 €
Kaiserreich – Kaiser V
10.00 €
Kalmankantaja - Metsäuhri  (With OBI)
7.00 €
10.00 €
Kalt Vindur - Delusions  (Digipak)
8.40 €
12.00 €
Kaltfront - A World in Grey
4.20 €
6.00 €
Kaltfront - Feuernacht
7.00 €
10.00 €
KAMA RUPA - Kama Kontra Kontrol (DIGIPAK)
7.00 €
10.00 €
Kampf  - Nothing But Wrath
3.50 €
5.00 €
Kanvass - The Southern Thunder Roars
7.00 €
10.00 €
KAOSKULT - Secret Serpent
7.00 €
10.00 €
Kapein - Golgotha
7.00 €
10.00 €
Kapein-Aeon Of Rust (Digipak)
8.40 €
12.00 €
Karelian Warcry – Kylmä Rautainen
8.40 €
12.00 €
Karg - Malstrom  (Digipak)
7.00 €
10.00 €
Kargvint - Seelenwerks Fortgang
7.00 €
10.00 €
Karmanjaka - Gates of Muspel
7.00 €
10.00 €
Karnarium - Tänk På Döden
10.00 €
KATAKLYSM - Live in Deutschland  (DVD+CD)
7.00 €
10.00 €
Katari - Ave, Rex Ivdaeorvm!
7.00 €
10.00 €
8.40 €
12.00 €
8.40 €
12.00 €
8.40 €
12.00 €
Kerker - A Dime for bleak faces  (Digipak)
8.40 €
12.00 €
Kerker - Ban all lights
7.00 €
10.00 €
Ketch - The Anthems of Dread   (Digipak)
8.40 €
12.00 €
7.00 €
10.00 €
Khaospath – Synagoga Obscura   (Digipack)
5.60 €
8.00 €
KHORS - Abandoned Leaves (Digipak)
7.70 €
11.00 €
Khors - Following the years of blood II (Double CD+DVD)
10.50 €
15.00 €
Khors - Wisdom Of Centuries  (Digipack)
8.40 €
12.00 €
KILL - Burning Blood
7.00 €
10.00 €
Kill-The NecroFiles
7.00 €
10.00 €
King Satan - King Fucking Satan
7.00 €
10.00 €
Kirchenbrand - Kein Herz für Menschen
4.90 €
7.00 €
Klage - Die Weihe des Eises (Digipak)
8.40 €
12.00 €
KLAGE - Dystopias Wiege  (Digipack)
8.40 €
12.00 €
KLAMM - Ernte  (Digipack)
8.40 €
12.00 €
KLANDESTYN -Wounds Bleeding Black   (Digipak)
8.40 €
12.00 €
Knochenfell – Menschenhass
7.70 €
11.00 €
Knochenfell – Nacht Und Terror  (Digipack)
6.30 €
9.00 €
Koge - The Arch of Misery Part I
7.00 €
10.00 €
KOHORT - megiddo eve/demo 94
6.30 €
9.00 €
KOLDVOID - Roadside Ghosts
7.00 €
10.00 €
KOLDVOID / DEEP-PRESSION - Treasures from the Dead Seas (Lim.100)
4.90 €
7.00 €
KOMMANDO BAPHOMET - Blood Gospels of Satanic Inquisition
7.00 €
10.00 €
KONUNGAR - First Blood
5.60 €
8.00 €
KORGONTHURUS  - Korgonthurus/Ristillä Mädäntyen
7.00 €
10.00 €
Korgonthurus - Vuohen Siunaus  (Digipak)
8.40 €
12.00 €
Korium / Evil – Smutné Tiene Do Dolín Schádzajú & Empty Graves
7.00 €
10.00 €
Korp - Hel Kallar
7.00 €
10.00 €
Korpblod – Uråldrig Samklang
7.00 €
10.00 €
Kosa - Sintemptation  (Digipack)
3.50 €
5.00 €
7.00 €
10.00 €
3.50 €
5.00 €
Kozeljnik - Null: The Acheron Of Mutiform Negation
5.60 €
8.00 €
Krematorium – Von Hexen und Werwölfen
8.00 €
Kres - 40 Nocy Grudnia
7.00 €
10.00 €
Krieg - Blue Miasma (Digipak)
Krieg - Blue Miasma    (Digipak)
New remixed / remastered from original tapes. Sounding the way it was supposed to. Issued on this nice digipak design with original artwork from Midgaars of Lugubrum. Words from the band....
I came to the decision to put Krieg to rest due to what can only be considered a series of bad decisions due to an overall nervous breakdown, a hole which took me years to emerge from. I have spent the time since trying to make amends, repair bridges, move forward as it were but I always had regrets as to how this record came out. The way the samples were blended in, the overall lack of power in the sound, the failure to use the proper cover. All of this was directly my responsibility and like anything in my life in 2005 I shit the bed and laid in it like an invalid. Earlier this year I came across the original version of the album, before I went into Orchard and submitted it for final release. It had a raw urgency to it that I knew was there but never was able to make public. Now for the first and final time I can present "Blue Miasma" as it should have sounded almost a decade ago. "written by Imperial regarding this edition of Blue Miasma"

* 30% Rabatt auf jede Menge Artikel !!
(ArtNr. 00023880)
Inkl. 19.00% USt., exkl. Versandkosten
8.40 €*
12.00 €
7.00 €
10.00 €
Krieg-The Church
5.60 €
8.00 €
Krigere Wolf - Sacrifice to Valskjàlf
7.00 €
10.00 €
9.10 €
13.00 €
KROLOK  / TEMNOHOR - Split  (Digipack)
8.40 €
12.00 €
KROLOK - Flying Above Ancient Ruins   (Digipack)
8.40 €
12.00 €
Krolok - When the Moon Sang Our Songs  (Digipak)
8.40 €
12.00 €
KRUGER -For Death,Glory and... (Digipak)
7.70 €
11.00 €
Kuilu - Monumentti  (Digipack)
8.40 €
12.00 €
Kuilu - Monumentti  (Digipak)
8.40 €
12.00 €
Kuld - Beyond the Black Spell
7.00 €
10.00 €
KULT - The Eternal Darkness I Adore  (Digipack)
8.40 €
12.00 €
Kult of Taurus - Adversarial Paths: The Sinister Essence
7.00 €
10.00 €
Kult of Taurus - Divination Labyrinths
7.00 €
10.00 €
Kult of Taurus / Erevos Aenoan - Born of fire, forged by death
7.00 €
10.00 €
Kult Ov Azazel ‎– Oculus Infernum
7.00 €
10.00 €
Kult ov Azazel - The World, the Flesh & the Devil
7.00 €
10.00 €
Kult ov Azazel - Triumph of Fire
7.00 €
10.00 €
Kult ov Azazel / Idolatry - Luciferian Vengeance
7.00 €
10.00 €
Kult Ov Azazel – Destroying The Sacred
7.00 €
10.00 €
KULTIKA - Capricorn Wolves
7.00 €
10.00 €
Kurhan - Głód
7.00 €
10.00 €
7.00 €
10.00 €
Kuutar - Beyond All Light
5.60 €
8.00 €
Kvalvaag - Seid   (A5 Digipak)
8.40 €
12.00 €
KVELE - Frostbitten Apocalypse
7.00 €
10.00 €
KVELE - Konge
5.60 €
8.00 €
Kvele - Necrohill
7.00 €
10.00 €
KVELE / SOLEMNE MORTIS - Suffocating Pressence Of Death
7.00 €
10.00 €
KVELGEYST - alkahest  (Digipack)
8.40 €
12.00 €
Kvlt of Hiob - Thy Kingly Mask (Digipak)
7.70 €
11.00 €
Kyy - Travesty of Light  (Digipak)
6.30 €
9.00 €
Kzohh - 26  (Digipak)
8.40 €
12.00 €
Kzohh - Rye. Fleas. Chrismon.  (Digipak)
8.40 €
12.00 €

37.794.281 Zugriffe seit dem 20.02.2008